Monday, December 7, 2009

Abortion? Critique of Ms. Michaud's Post.

After reading Ms. Michaud's article on Abortion, I found myself agreeing with almost everything she said. As someone who is pro-choice, I find it hard to agree with what President Obama was quoted as saying that everyone who is pro-life are terrorists. I don't agree on so many levels. Everyone has a right to do with their body as they please. I agree with her stance on Oklahoma having strict abortion laws. I mean, what does race have to do with having an abortion? I believe that what you do with your body is your own personal business, I think that's where government should draw the line. I don't think government should dictate what a woman does with her body. Plus, if we overturn Roe v. Wade then you'll have women getting botched abortions which leave them unfertile or worse they wind up dead. I hope I never see this in my lifetime or any lifetime for that matter. I also agree that it shouldn't be tax-funded. It is not health care. Although I think that we should atleast help these women financially to afford it. Although I agree with what Ms. Michaud stated I would've liked her to delve more into the history of abortion and why it's important for us to retain Roe v. Wade.

1 comment:

  1. Women should have the right to choose whether they have an Abortion are not. It is there own personal business what they do with there body. You are right about the botched abortions it would be a terrible thing to lose the fetus and the mom. The Supreme Court did get it right when they broke it into trimesters. It should be dependent on the situation of the mom. I would have to listen to the quote before I believe the President Obama would say something like that. He is very articulate in the way that he presents himself. That would be an utter failure for him to sound like that last guy we had in the oval office. The healthcare issue is one that still has wondering what it really all means. I agree with the women that can not afford it should be able to get tax breaks or just paid for. The women that could not afford it could use other means as well. So overall I agree with your article. I think this will always be controversial but is a non issue at this point. I just can not see the ruling of Roe v. Wade being overturned. Things are a lot different in this day and age.
