Monday, November 23, 2009

Million Dollar Men

"Pricing an Afghanistan troop buildup is no simple calculation" states Christi Parsons & Julian E. Barnes of the Los Angeles Times. The White House' estimate is double the Pentagons estimate for how much it would cost year to send an additional 20,000-40,000 troops to Afghanistan.

The Pentagon publicy estimates that it will cost $500,000 a year for each additional troop sent to Afghanistan. The White House nearly doubled that estimate. Both the White House and Pentagon have different methods as they have different priorities that come into play. The White House has said that the reason the price is so high is that they don't want to underestimate the cost and lose public faith. Both sides state that these numbers are merely estimates and could change at any time. President Obama is expected any week now to respond to requests from his Commander in the region for a strategy change and for additional forces. They could announce the increase of 20,000-40,000 troops shortly after Thanksgiving.

I don't think they should be sending anymore troops over to Afghanistan in my opinion. We have already lost enough troops, we need to start focusing on what's happening here and deal with that. We need to pull out of this war as soon as we can, it's pointless and unjust. I don't want to have to spend my tax money to send troops there if I don't want to. I hope President Obama does what he intended to do in the first place, send the troops HOME!

1 comment:

  1. “I don't think they should be sending anymore troops over to Afghanistan” is the opinion of my fellow classmate Michele Zeiss. Under some circumstances I would most definitely agree. The fact that I feel were just wasting our time over there could be quite obvious if you knew me as an individual. But the Militray brat that I am gives me a little more creditably. Yes the Military brat come into play because its all sides, Marines (grandpa), Airforce (Father), Navy (Uncle, moms brother) and Army (several cousins). I believe we are in this war for a reason and we sure better finish what we start. Which is the only reason I aprove of us being over there. America has a history of picking a fight or getting in the middle and as soon as were no longer fired up we want to back out and pretend as if we were never involved. This war, I feel, is partly our fault, do to the way things were handled when President Reagan was in power. Then when the twin towers got distroyed we looked for a scape goat for our displaced anger and picked a foe we considerably misjudged. We ASSumed they would be an easy target that could be taken care of quickly and then we could wash our hands of it, which never happens, and made an ass of us all. I always agreed that an action had to be taken for the massacre that took place in New York but WAR should ALWAYS be a last result not a First Choice. Seeing as we picked our battle it is now our duty to finish what we started or lose the game but there is no Honor in backing out of a deal. Though more lives will be regrettably lost and it will cost the citizens millions, I do hope we finished what we started and remember this for the future. Maybe next time we will think twice before we let our “alligator mouth over load our canary butts.”
